Wednesday, July 23, 2008



I'm really happy to announce that Beaute/Bella/Beauty will receive a major facelift in design which is ever so exciting, no? The downside? It's happening as I'm preparing to move out of state...which means that it might be impossible for us to primp together for the next few weeks. However, I have some great things planned for when I return. I'm already dieing just thinking about being away, but the end result will be so totally worth it. Don't have too much fun without me!

Counting the days,



sarahPUFFY! said...

EEP! Moving ANYWHERE is just NO fun...I'm still not over the last time, and I have to do it again next June, but this time with the Beau! *rarr*

EITHER WAY, good luck, and I hope you decide to move to a sexy island instead. Tropical treats for all!

sarahPUFFY! said...

YAY, I get to comment here again, because I'm still excited to see the new look n.n

and because I replied to your last comment! I'll be posting about the first day [and my makeup woes -.-] soon! =D

xx Puffy